Post by cosbydaf on Sept 27, 2013 8:04:21 GMT
"Ted visits Trip & Grace: A Screenplay"
FACADE STAGEPLAY Fri Sep 27 04 03 47 2013
GRACE Trip, when are you going to get rid of this?
TRIP What, Grace... this?
GRACE Yes, you know how I feel about it --
TRIP I know I know I'll do it right now, alright?!
GRACE You know I've had to ask you about this several --
TRIP Get off my back! I'll get rid of it in just a minute!
GRACE Fine, Trip... fine...
(Ted knocks on the front door.)
(Ted knocks on the front door.)
(Trip opens the front door.)
TRIP Ted!!
TRIP Hey! I thought I heard someone out here! God it's been so long since we've seen you! -- (interrupted)
TED hi
TRIP Ha ha, hi!
TRIP Wow, it's really really great to see you.
TRIP So come on in!
TED ok
TRIP Y -- yeah, come in!
TRIP Uh, I'll -- I'll go get Grace...
TRIP (unintelligable arguing)
TRIP (unintelligable arguing) -- (interrupted)
GRACE No, no, here we are!
GRACE Hi! How are you? Oh god it's been such a long time!
TRIP Yeah, yeah, how are you doing?
GRACE I just asked him that...
TRIP I can ask too! -- (interrupted)
TED fine
GRACE Oh, H-mmm (happy smile sound)
GRACE And, I've got to say, you look really good!
GRACE Make yourself at home, come on in!
TED thansk
TRIP I'm gonna fix us some drinks.
TRIP Ah, you'll be the first to sample from my new set of imported drinking glasses.
(Trip closes the front door.)
TED i dont like beer
TRIP Y -- yeah, yeah, time for a drink. -- (interrupted)
TRIP Oh, but we can do better than that...!
TRIP How about something fun,
TED no
TRIP like margaritas?
TRIP No...?
GRACE Trip don't force your fancy drinks on him.
GRACE Ted, maybe you'd like some juice, or a mineral water?
TRIP but... uhh...
TED water ok
GRACE Okay, Trip, that's what he wants!
TRIP Alright, fine, fine...
TRIP We can indulge in my new cocktail accessories some other time.
TRIP Grace, maybe at least you'll drink with me? I'll make us something real nice, light on the alcohol, what do you say?
GRACE I'm going to join our friend in what he is having.
TRIP Alright...
TRIP Oh, Ted, take a look at this photo I just put up from our trip to Italy a couple of weeks ago... -- (interrupted)
TED ok
TRIP Y -- yeah, yeah, uh, come look at this Italy photo!
TRIP Ted, Come here, I want you to look at this!
TED i will share it on tumblr
GRACE (little -- (interrupted)
TRIP Oh, you'll never guess where I took that picture.
GRACE Is this really something you want to brag about, Trip?
TRIP Heh, I'll tell you about it in a sec.
TRIP Alright Grace, yours is ready.
TED itlay
GRACE Thanks.
TRIP W -- well, come take a look!
GRACE Ted, come over here and sit on the couch with me.
TRIP No, hold on. Now, Ted, what does this picture make you think of?
GRACE Oh, Trip, don't put our friend on the spot like that...
TRIP In a word, what does this say to you?
GRACE Oh, god... Ted, come over here, -- (interrupted)
TED dogs
TRIP Mmm... no...
GRACE I like that, that's a good answer...!
TRIP (little sigh) No just take a look, this says...
(TED picks up a player's drink.)
(TED sips his player's drink.)
TED dogs
TRIP Romance! It says... romance...!
(TED sips his player's drink.)
(TED sips his player's drink.)
GRACE (little sigh)
TED its says dogs
TRIP What...? Ted, I --
GRACE Trip, that was just a well-intentioned little poke in the ribs between friends. That's all.
TED sorry
GRACE Huh, I think I forgot how well you two get along... -- (interrupted)
TRIP (little sigh)
TRIP Ah, Ted, you probably didn't come here to hear this, heh...
GRACE What? -- (interrupted)
TED sorry
(TED sips his player's drink.)
GRACE W -- wait, wait, what's wrong, Trip?
GRACE Trip, there's nothing wrong with disagreeing in front of our friend --
TRIP We're NOT disagreeing.
TRIP We're not disagreeing.
(Trip shakes the advice ball.)
TRIP Sounds good.
TED ooh 8 ball
TRIP Oh that -- oh, that's just a little joke advice giver toy thing that I like to consult now and then...
TRIP when I need a little guidance. Ha ha.
GRACE His mother gave that to him.
TRIP Stocking stuffer.
TRIP (clears throat)
GRACE You know, ever since we got married, Trip is forever trying to get me to buy new furniture, -- (interrupted)
TED ok
TRIP No no, no no, see, Grace loves expensive furniture, she...
(Trip sips his Trip's drink.)
(Grace sips her Grace's drink.)
(TED sips his player's drink.)
(TED sips his player's drink.)
TRIP grew up in this really nice house, with really nice couches and fancy dishes, and, and she can't live without this stuff.
TED wheres the nintendo
GRACE Oh, well...
GRACE You know at work I waste all day designing ads for stylish objects, like this armoire,
(TED sips his player's drink.)
GRACE and then it makes me think, I want to design it into my apartment...
TRIP This is a really exclusive armoire, very few people own this armoire.
GRACE but... dammit, I don't know what I was thinking, this is a monstrosity!
TRIP A monstrosity... what?
TED sorry
TRIP Grace, everything's fine! No one is complaining about your decorating --
GRACE No, decorating is just --
GRACE (frustrated sigh)
GRACE There must be some way I could --
TED lets watch b movies
TRIP Grace, -- (interrupted)
GRACE I don't know what to think. I don't know.
TRIP You're good at decorating, trust yourself.
TED pelase
TRIP Wait, uhh, Grace, you're so good at decorating!
GRACE (frustrated sigh)
GRACE Uhh, you are impossible...!
GRACE I'm never happy...
GRACE Trip, our whole marriage, you're so... controlling! -- (interrupted)
TED gaint claw anyone
TRIP What? What -- what are you saying to me? What?
TRIP (little impatient sigh) Ted, I...
TRIP (frustrated sigh)
TED sorry
TRIP Uhh, uh, can you, can you -- can you just...
GRACE No one is complaining...
GRACE I'm stifled, Trip! Artistically! I need my life to have more feeling! Can't you see that?
TRIP Oh, Jesus...!
GRACE Alright, you know what, Ted,
GRACE I'm going to ask you something.
TRIP Grace --
GRACE Trip, let me ask our guest a question.
GRACE Ted, yes or no...
GRACE Does marriage have to be the most highest, beautiful, most passionate, thing in your life?
TRIP What?
GRACE I mean, is it wrong to have other things in your life that are more passionate than your marriage?
GRACE Yes or no.
TED i dont know sorry
TRIP What...?!
TRIP Oh, alright... yeah...
TED sorry
TRIP Uhh, Grace, you keep looking for something to satisfy you -- but that's what I'm supposed to be! I'm supposed to be the most important thing, and I'm not, goddammit!
GRACE Oh, that's great Trip!
GRACE Uhh! Yeah, good, get out of my sight!
GRACE I can't stand you!
GRACE Goddammit!
GRACE uhh! -- (interrupted)
TED tihs is not good
GRACE What?! What are you saying to me?
TRIP Grace, what the hell are you saying about me in there?
GRACE I'm not talking to you!
GRACE Ted, we're not normally like this, I don't know what's going on...
GRACE uhh...
TED sorry grace
TRIP Ted, (annoyed sigh) Grace is just so...
GRACE Oh, we're talking about me, are we?
TRIP What?
TRIP Ted, look around this apartment. It's got everything anyone would ever want. But, Grace, oh no, she's never satisfied.
GRACE Trip, ... ugh ... I'm so sick of this. -- (interrupted)
TED it needs nintendo
TRIP Well, heh, I -- I mean, we -- heh -- we -- we've got everything...
GRACE Trip, you just don't... uhh.
TRIP Ted, give me some advice here...!
GRACE No let's -- let's focus on us, our relationship.
GRACE I think Trip's afraid of visiting his parents. He does everything he can to avoid seeing them.
TRIP Afraid of my parents?! My parents are idiots.
GRACE No, it's true...
TED dogs
GRACE Look, you're going to really make it bad if you keep criticizing me!
TED sorry
GRACE No let's -- let's focus on us, our relationship.
GRACE Trip, you just pretend to like all this stuff... fancy cigars, and fine wine...
TED ok
TRIP You think I'm not good enough...!
GRACE I never said that! I'm saying there's more to you than all this...
GRACE Let's keep talking about us, our relationship.
GRACE You know what's so annoying, is when you pretend to be all 'romantic'!
TRIP What...?
GRACE Trip, it is such an act!
TRIP Oh my God... Ted, what... uhh...
TED welp
TRIP Grace, we don't -- we don't have to do this... things are okay, we can just --
GRACE Ted, I can't stand the pretending anymore... I can't take it!
TRIP No, Grace, we can... I mean, come on, don't make it out to be so bad...
TED wibble
GRACE Uhh...
TRIP Okay, no, I want to focus on Grace.
TRIP Grace, I don't think you really do want us to quit our jobs, lead a simpler lifestyle.
GRACE What? Trip, you know what I --
TRIP Oh come on! You grew up with a silver spoon in your mouth. You can't live any other way.
TRIP Let's continue focusing on Grace.
TRIP You know, heh... whenever we go to visit Grace's parents, she gets all stressed out.
TED no
GRACE Uhh...
TRIP She says she's afraid to visit.... I don't get it... her family is fabulous! The best!
TED ok
GRACE Trip, if you like them so much, just go by yourself. Nobody cares if I'm there or not anyway.
TRIP But, Grace... Uhh.
TRIP Look, let's talk about us both, not just one of us.
GRACE Trip, can't you see, it's the way you speak, the way you talk to me...!
TRIP What, I'm not allowed to be angry? -- (interrupted)
TED lets talk about space
GRACE Ted, you're saying I'm... not communicative?
GRACE No, that's just wrong, I'm the one here who is able to actually say things...
TED i dont know
TRIP Let's keep talking about Grace.
TED sorry
GRACE You know, Trip, whenever I really try to talk honestly about things, you...
GRACE you don't want to hear it!
TRIP What?
GRACE Ted, I think I'm the only one who is trying to be the most honest here.
TED ok
TRIP Look, you're doing it again, you're putting all this on me...
TRIP Let's keep our focus on Grace.
GRACE See, Ted, all this time, I just can't stop thinking that I should have been painting!
TRIP Why don't you just do it then?
TRIP Be a goddamn artist already. What are you afraid of, Grace?
GRACE Well, but... -- (interrupted)
TED i cant darw
GRACE You -- you don't think I should paint...
GRACE Uhh...
TED i dont know
GRACE Uhh, this is too much, I can't take this...
GRACE Uhh...
GRACE Trip, it's your fault -- ten years ago, freshly married and just out of college,
GRACE you convinced me to go into advertising, instead of art!
TRIP What?
GRACE If it weren't for you, I could be a real artist by now.
TRIP Uhh... -- (interrupted)
TED sorry
TRIP That's bullshit.
GRACE Uhh...
TRIP Look, let's talk about us both, not just one of us.
TRIP Ted, you think this is all my fault, don't you?
GRACE See, you lied to me from the moment we got married, insisted I'd be better off in advertising than art.
TRIP What? Oh, Jesus...!
TRIP Ted, do you agree with that?
TED pealse dont fight
TRIP Ted, you're saying I'm... angry?
TRIP God... it makes me so angry.
TRIP Ted, did I ever tell you how she humiliated me at a gallery in front of her 'artist' friends?
TED what
TRIP Ah, see, just you saying that helps me! Ted, see, I made some comment, and Grace told everybody that I knew nothing about art... uhh...
TRIP Okay, I've had enough of this bullshit!!
TED why
TRIP Ted, I know what you're hinting at...
TRIP about me...
TRIP Do you really want the truth? Huh?
TRIP Ted, -- (interrupted)
TED i dont know
TRIP No, Ted, just, yes or no, do you want the truth?
TED ok
TRIP Grace, huh?
GRACE Yes...!
TRIP See, Ted, I've been paying attention to what you've been saying tonight.
TRIP You've been pushing me tonight.
TED sorry
TRIP It makes me wonder if you're really my friend or not.
TRIP Ted, Quit interrupting me, let me finish!
TED oh god
TRIP Ted, come on -- yes or no...
TRIP Do you really think that...
TRIP criticizing Grace...
TRIP criticizing me...
TRIP saying that Grace is not communicative...
TRIP telling me I'm angry...
TRIP but especially what you said about how marriage is supposed to be the most important thing...
TRIP that all that is supposed to help me understand something about myself?
TRIP Is what you've said tonight supposed to add up somehow, to something?
TRIP Is it? Just give me a yes or no.
TED no
TRIP No? Huh, well, I thought it did add up to something, actually.
TRIP Okay... look... heh heh... (big sigh)
TED sorry sorry
TRIP Ted, We're... we're actually fine... everything's fine...
TED i need a dfrink ok
GRACE Yeah...
TRIP And no you, you -- you don't have to be nice anymore, heh, we're -- we're fine...
TED too much presure
TRIP I think it's -- it's okay if you -- if you... n -- need to go...
TED ok bye
TRIP You know, Ted, we're fine, nothing's changed... we'll see you out.
TRIP No, no more need to be nice, okay?
GRACE Thank for you coming over, it was... nice.
TRIP Come on, Ted, the evening's over... there's nothing else to say, heh...
TED shtu up everone
TED mmmmmmmmmmmm
GRACE Uh, it -- it's nice that you came over, but it's time to say goodnight.
TED iu have my room booked
(Trip opens the front door.)
TED in hell
TRIP So, ah, we'll, uh, we'll -- I'll give you a buzz later, or, um, or something.
TED fcuk yuo
TED sigh
GRACE Be safe...
(Trip closes the front door.)
TRIP You really outdid yourself tonight!
GRACE How could you speak to me that way?
TED the things i do
GRACE Have you ever thought to consider my feelings for once?
TRIP Me?! What the hell were you thinking!
TED fro you fcuks